Student of the Week

Congrats to Ashlynn Prettyman, the RHS Student of the Week:

Outside Activities/Hobbies: Dance

Student’s Plans After Graduation: Go to college

Nominating Faculty Member(s): Mrs. Tomi Kirkland

Faculty Comments: Ashlynn Prettyman is magnificent.  I have watched her mature from a shy, quiet freshman girl into a soft-spoken, hilarious senior girl.  She is a hard-working student, a dedicated athlete and a dependable friend.  Ashlynn has been in my classroom for all four years of high school; as a freshman in English I, I identified her as someone I wanted in my yearbook class which is where she has been for the next three years.  She pays attention to detail, chooses great photos and writes funny captions.  Ashlynn has also developed a fun and loving friendship with my daughter Loxley who loves when Ashlynn bakes with her.  Ashlynn also has a love for books; she always has a novel with her: in classes, at dances, and on the bus headed to track meets. Her and her two best friends have influenced my daughter's love of reading.  Ashlynn will be deeply missed when she graduates.