Instructional Frameworks & Practices

Quote and Mountain Lake scene

Fremont County SD #25 believes in the importance of providing correlated systems and expectations that together are "An Instructional Framework"

How do we do teaching and learning at our schools?

"Through an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students we serve" (Adapted from DuFour in Learning by Doing)

  • Collaborative Teams - members working interdependently to achieve common goals for which each team member is mutually accountable

  • Increased Teacher Effectiveness - Collaboration represents a systematic process in which teachers work together interdependently to impact their classroom practice - review of results leads to discovery of strengths and weaknesses in their own individual teaching - teachers learn from one another.

  • Engaging and Effective Lesson Design - Universal Design for Learning, Backward Design

  • High Expectations for Instruction - students are actively engaged in hands-on authentic exercises that promote experiential learning.

  • Data Driven Planning and Response - Efforts are assessed on the basis of results

    • Gather evidence of student learning

    • Develop strategies and ideas to build on strengths and address weaknesses in learning

    • Implement strategies and ideas

    • Analyze the impact to determine what was effective and what was not

    • Apply new knowledge and begin the cycle of continuous improvement again

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports - a systematic process that responds to students needs and ensures students will receive timely, directive and systematic support and enrichment


Education Programs


FCSD #25 has a comprehensive assessment system designed to inform and drive instruction at the classroom level, measure and report student progress on learning standards, and provide information on the effectiveness of district curriculum, instruction and professional development practices. District Summative Assessments are housed in MasteryConnect.

Fremont County SD #25 adheres to the Wyoming Department of Education's Standards implementation Timeline.

ABCs Colorful

Action Plan

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